Newborn skin care

Newborn skin care

A newborn baby’s skin is much more fragile than the skin of older children and adults. Newborn skin is thinner and more easily damaged by strong and irritating skin products. It also contains fewer and less developed sweat glands, predisposing to overheating.  ...
Safety in your home

Safety in your home

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and strong in a safe environment. Young children are naturally curious and love to explore. From the time your child starts to crawl and pull to stand, this newfound mobility will mean you may need to make changes to...
Safety on the road

Safety on the road

Car seats are the only safe way to travel with children in motor vehicles. It is never safe for children to ride in a car in their mothers’ arms, on someone’s lap, or in a baby carrier or sling. Do remember to prepare an appropriate rear-facing car seat suitable for...
Preventing childhood obesity

Preventing childhood obesity

Obesity is a rising problem among children and teenagers. Many parents may have the misconception that the chubbier the child is, the cuter or healthier he is. In fact, a study in 2017 by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) has found that 7 in 10 children who are...
Speech and language development

Speech and language development

Language is what people use to communicate with each other. When we use language, we can understand (receive) and give (express) information. Most children develop language in stages. You can help your child develop his language by knowing more about these stages, as...

Resource Centres

Project ARIF has set up two resource centres within our partner mosques (Assyafaah Mosque and An-Nur Mosque)


We bring to you a wide range of expert information on relationships, maternal health and child health. We hope that this will guide each couple and family to make ample and well-supported preparations mentally, physically, and financially as they embark on their journeys through marriage, pregnancy, and parenthood. Click on the individual articles for more information.

Marital Health

Pre-Conception Health

Maternal Health

For Fathers

Mental Wellness

Child Health